
Paris • Europe

Frédéric Chatoux & Lutxi Nesprias

The aim of Paris-Europe is certainly to pay tribute to Paris, the “city of light”, to its cultural attractiveness, but also and above all to its permeability to the cultures of Europe and to the mutual influences with the composers present on its soil during the two centuries explored in this disc. Frédéric Chatoux and Lutxi Nesprias present here transcriptions and original pieces that reflect their curiosity and their desire to illustrate these European cultural interminglings.


Press Review

Paris · Europe à l’honneur dans Grey Panthers !

“Le Marseillais (comme Rampal) Frédéric Chatoux et la pianiste basque Lutxi Nesprias ont conçu le programme, qui dans une succession de transcriptions – de Bellini et Mozart à Bela Bartók et Francis Poulenc – illustre avec une aisance agile et vertueuse l’entrelacement frémissant des inspirations cosmopolites les plus variées.” 

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